
你们在推动在线博彩向前发展方面发挥着重要作用, especially in driving our university toward achieving the goals of our 十年策略远景 and providing exceptional opportunities for 学生 and the community. 如果你对如何捐赠给在线博彩有疑问, please contact the Office of Development and our team will be ready to assist you.





每年, 像你这样慷慨的人——校友, 朋友, 父母, 学生, 教师和员工-通过赠送礼物来表达他们对在线博彩的支持. Your investment reflects a bold belief that higher education and 研究 changes lives and betters the world.
Annual and recurring gifts enable 在线博彩 to provide opportunities that tuition or state funding alone cannot. 每一份礼物,无论大小,都很重要. Annual giving donations from many people are often combined to do big things, 例如基金奖学金, 支持学生成功计划, 配备教室和实验室, 或者聘请思想领袖来这里教书.
Whether you give to the 在线博彩 Fund ‒ to provide support where it is most needed ‒ or you direct your gift to something specific, 喜欢…… 大学, a 集资”项目 or a program you feel passionate about, your support matters and makes a difference.
We are excited to count you among our donors who are strengthening Roadrunner Nation
欲了解更多信息,请 电子邮件 我们或致电(210)458-4130.

教师 & 工作人员给

Gifts can be directed toward any area of the university, including your college or department. 一些领域从中受益 教职员工的捐赠 包括研究生和本科生奖学金, 学生和教师招聘, 研究, and a myriad of other enriching experiences for our 学生 including study abroad. 你可以 制作礼物 在线或设置分期付款. Simply download and complete the payroll deduction form and send to the Office of 年度捐献.


Matching gifts can double or triple your gift to 在线博彩 and you are recognized for both your gift and any resulting matches! / (1,000 companies sponsor matching gift programs and some companies will even match gifts from retired employees, 兼职员工, 和配偶.


If your company matches gifts, you may be able to access the forms directly through your search. Follow the directions and 在线博彩 will secure your employer's matching gift for you.

If your company uses a paper matching gift form, please complete it and send it to: 



在线博彩 Alumni Association Tax ID number is 74-1977996 (only use this for donations to the 在线博彩 Alumni Association).

用纪念或致敬的礼物来表彰特别的人. 在线博彩 will send a note to the family of the honoree to acknowledge your special gift.

礼品的产品和服务, 还有其他资产, 对在线博彩的学生和教职员工都非常有益. Typical in-kind gifts include software licenses, historic books and papers, and travel vouchers.

Make an irrevocable gift to a fund maintained by a charitable organization and enjoy an income tax charitable deduction for the full amount of the gift. 顾名思义, you can advise the fund regarding distribution; however, 你不能对基金施加物质限制.

As a state government agency, 在线博彩 is eligible for a grant from 捐助者建议基金s. Grants should be made payable to 在线赌博平台 and mailed as follows: 在线博彩礼品服务, 一个在线博彩圈,圣安东尼奥,得克萨斯州78249. 使用在线博彩的税号74-1717115.

Create a trust that can be revoked or changed during your lifetime that directs the disposition of your assets, 包括慈善捐赠. A revocable living trust can minimize the cost and delays associated with probate, 促进资产转移, 提供隐私和, 不像遗嘱, 确保资产管理在残疾情况下的连续性.

Gifts of long term, highly appreciated securities are the most common type of outright property gift. 通常, individual stocks are given; however, 债券或共同基金股票也是很有吸引力的礼物选择. Outright gifts of securities can be made quickly and these gifts let you do more with your gift because of the very attractive tax benefits. 

长期持有的增值财产, the full fair market value of securities given to charity is generally deductible for itemizers. 例如, 如果你给的股票现在价值10美元,000, you can deduct the full amount of the gift on your income tax return (subject to certain income limitations), 即使你花了1美元买了股票,000.

A charitable gift of securities held long term is not considered a sale of the securities and does not generate any capital gains tax, 不管收获多少. This is a valuable tax incentive provided by Congress to encourage gifts of appreciated property. The result: a charitable deduction is allowed for capital gains that would have been taxed. And, if we sell the securities, we keep every penny of the proceeds since we are tax exempt. 你的礼物,转让股票给我们-不卖股票. 



Transfer up to $100,000 (annual aggregate amount) directly from an IRA to us. 的礼物, 适用于70岁半或以上的人, 如果有一个是到期的,将计入您的RMD, 你不用为分配纳税.

Instruct your IRA administrator to mail a check directly to 在线赌博平台 (payable to 在线博彩) to: 在线博彩礼品服务, 一个在线博彩圈,圣安东尼奥,得克萨斯州78249. 在线博彩的联邦免税身份证号码是74-1717115.

Donate a home and retain the right to live in the property for the rest of your life. Qualify for a current income tax charitable deduction for the value of our remainder interest in the home.

创建一个慈善领导信托,使我们受益多年, 将资产返还给受益人, 将税收降到最低.

捐赠少量持有的股票. You enjoy a charitable deduction equal to the appraised value of the stock with no capital gains tax due.

捐赠可用于我们豁免目的的赠予财产, 并有资格获得全额公平市场价值的所得税减免.


如有任何在线博彩捐赠在线博彩的问题, please contact the Office of Development and our team will be ready to help you. 电子邮件 giving@xoxozerol.net 或打电话 (210) 458-4130.

Make an immediate impact for 学生 with an online tax-deductible gift. You may choose a one-time or ongoing gift, and designate it to the college or fund of your choice. 给现在.


If you are a 在线博彩 教师 or staff member, you may make a gift through payroll deduction. It is an easy, convenient way to support your college, program, 学生, and the university overall. 了解更多.

用打印件邮寄礼物 礼物的形式. 请将支票抬头改为德州大学圣安东尼奥分校.
